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Attorney Goodson Appointed to FL Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee


Attorney Michael Ray Goodson has been appointed as a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of The Florida Bar, Family Law Section (2017-2018 Bar Cycle). The appointment was granted by Ms. Nicole Goetz, the incoming Chair of the Family Law Section. This is a great honor that Attorney Goodson accepts with gratitude. He plans on attending an upcoming committee gathering to meet with the current leaders and others transitioning into The Florida Bar.

The position will also allow Attorney Goodson to attend unique programs and events. Many of these opportunities will be prime chances to both advance his already impressive knowledge of divorce and mediation laws and to network with leading legal professionals throughout Florida and the country. Workshops will also include continued legal education (CLE) courses that cover a wide range of issues, questions, and concerns.

As an appointed member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Attorney Goodson will be tasked with reviewing, interpreting, and potentially altering laws pertaining to alternative dispute resolution. Many changes to legislation, regardless of field, begin with analyses of State Bar Committees such as this one. State Bars overall are dedicated to improving legal processed and legislation around the country to remove any obstacles and problems form the system before the average person encounters them. The work that Attorney Goodson contributes to this committee will ultimately help better the lives of anyone in Florida that is going through divorce mediation, collaborative divorce, or legal separation.

For more information about the Family Law Section and Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of The Florida Bar, you can click here to be taken to the Section’s official website. If you need a lawyer or mediator for a case of your own, we also encourage you to contact our firm and request an initial consultation.
