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Top 5 Highest Divorce Settlements in America

A meeting in a conference room

Knowing others go through divorce does allow you to remove some guilt and stigma you may place on yourself. Although maybe not applicable to your specific divorce case, gaining interesting facts surrounding divorce is a common way for individuals to relieve some stress and take your mind off your own situation. Therefore, your Florida Divorce Attorney has compiled a list of the top 5 most noteworthy divorce settlements in America.

The settlement that has the title of the highest divorce award, and will likely hold this title for a significant period of time is between Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and MacKenzie Bezos. This Amazon founder has been noted as the wealthiest man in the world with a net worth of $137 billion and growing. The couple was married for 25 years before divorcing. Within the settlement, MacKenzie will receive 25% of the couple’s Amazon stock, giving her a 4% stake in the company. Even though, 4% would not seem to be a great deal of funds, it actually amounts to a divorce award around $38 billion. With such a large settlement, the author has pledged to give at least half of her obtained wealth to charity.

Alec and Jocelyn Wildenstein held the title for most expensive divorce settlements for over two decades until they were significantly outdone by the Bezos award, multiplying their award by at least 10. The couple was known for their vast art collection that was estimated to be worth billions of dollars. The couple was married for 21 years until divorcing in 1999. Within their settlement, Jocelyn was awarded $2.5 billion immediately and $100 million to be paid each year for the next 13 years; totaling $3.8 billion.

Another notable settlement that occurred in 1999 was between Rupert and Anna Murdoch. Rupert gained his wealth through his involvement in News Corporation, 21st Century Fox, Fox News and Fox Corporation. The couple was married for 31 years before separating. Anna received a payment of $110 million and a great deal of stock in News Corporation. The total divorce settlement is estimated to be $1.7 billion.

The fourth most notable divorce settlement was between Formula One CEO, Bernie Ecclestone and international model Slavica Radic. After nearly 25 years of marriage, Bernie Ecclestone and Slavica Radic divorced. The divorce was finalized in 2009 and the settlement award given to Slavica was estimated to be $1.2 billion. It is also noteworthy what Slavica’s first purchase was after her divorce settlement, a private jet.

The final settlement that finds its way in our top 5 list is between a famous Las Vegas couple. This couple is Steve and Elaine Wynn, owners of Wynn casinos and hotels. The couple has actually been married and divorced twice. The first marriage was between 1963 and 1986 until they divorced, but the couple reunited and were married again from 1991 to 2010. This second divorce entailed an ultimate settlement to Elaine of $1 billion and included stake in the board for the casinos.

These cases involve some of the most wealthy individuals in Florida and it is unlikely that you may be able to draw any correlation between their situations, or marriages and your own. However, you are still entitled to a divorce that provides you with an equitable and rational award in relation to your specific situation. Therefore, discuss your divorce with your Florida Divorce Attorney and determine the items that will be in dispute as well as the items and award you wish you retain at the conclusion of your case.

Speaking to an attorney at our Florida office is free of charge, and we accept calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us at 850-307-5211 or complete an online contact form to get in touch with a member of our team today.