My Spouse Is Not Paying Our Household Bills During Our Divorce


When going through a divorce, change and uncertainty is inevitable. However, the regularity of continued monthly bills and payments will remain unaffected. The time it may take to divorce can be lengthy, therefore, it is important to discuss with your partner the payment of these household bills and who should be responsible. If not able to come to an agreement, employing your Orlando Divorce Attorney to fight for you and discuss your options is invaluable.

When a couple begins the divorce process, they are both still responsible for the financial commitments created during the marriage. Joint finances will not alter, nor will they disappear. Your divorce will ultimately divide all debts and assets but until that time, both you and your spouse can be held responsible for any default on payments. To ensure financial peace of mind, discuss with your Orlando Divorce Attorney, a legally enforceable agreement to covering the bills during this transitional time, that you may present to your spouse.

If unable to come to an agreement and you are left to pay the household bills, you may look to your joint marital funds or you may qualify for temporary or pendente lite support payments. Standing Family Law Pre-Trial orders, require parties not to dissipate or conceal marital funds. In short, you and your spouse are required not to change any banking information or policies pertaining to finances during the pendency of your divorce, keeping status quo as much as possible until the time a final judgment is entered. This order specifically provides the caveat of using or selling assets “for customary and usual household expenses.” These orders are in place to allow for continued and uninterrupted access to marital funds to pay bills. Our Orlando Divorce Attorneys recognize the sensitive and difficult nature of divorces and how financial difficulty can only cause more distress. We can help explain your rights during this process, especially in respect to your access to funds for household bills.

If still unable to make your usual household payments you may qualify for temporary or pendente lite support. Pendente lite, is a type of alimony awarded to the lesser earning spouse during the pendency of the divorce process. The court will look to your financial status and your need of such support in relation to your spouses’ ability to pay. This can include the need of paying such household expenses. However, this type of support ends whenever the divorce is completed. Your Orlando Divorce Attorney can work with the courts to create a support order that will carry on after your divorce. When the divorce is completed, alimony may take effect if it is awarded to you. If not, all support will cease.

While the divorce is pending, you will want to come up with an understanding with your partner to ensure that bills are taken care of. Frequently, the most ideal plan to protect your finances and legal rights is to ensure that your Orlando Divorce Attorney is at your side, so they can assist in negotiating a short-term agreement. A bilateral agreement can pay great dividends for both sides, as it provides both certainty and financial peace of mind and gives you one less issue to stress about in your marriage. If unable to agree, your Orlando Divorce Attorney can provide you with other options to protect your financial security. If you are concerned over your financial stability during or after your divorce, contact your Orlando Divorce Attorney to craft a plan to keep you stable during the process.

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