How to Cope with Divorce During the Holidays

As others anxiously anticipate the arrival of holiday season, a newly divorced person often approaches this time of year with anguish and anxiety. The holiday season represents joy and love, a constant reminder of happy times in contrast to the loneliness and despair that person is experiencing. There’s no doubt how difficult it is going to be over the next few months, but it’s also another step in the transition process toward a new life. If you are recently divorced, here are some ways to help cope with divorce during the holidays.

Spend Time with Family and Friends

Although this suggestion may seem like a given, considering that is what the holidays are about, it’s important to rely on a healthy support system when you’re feeling depressed and lonely. Share your thoughts and feelings with them, since bottling up your emotions will only make matters worse. Your loved ones will always be by your side, especially during this time of need. The holidays are about everyone you love; don’t let the divorce process ruin that.

Take Your Time, It’s Okay to Grieve

There’s no way to avoid feeling down. Grieving is part of the natural process toward finding what makes you happy again. Take this opportunity to rediscover the celebratory purpose of the holidays. Perhaps give the season a newer, deeper meaning and refresh your understanding of the joy it brings to everyone. There is no rush, just take it one holiday at a time. It will get better!

Create a Schedule, Accomplish Goals

The less time you spend thinking about the despair of divorce, the easier it will be to move on toward that new chapter in life. Plan fun, relaxing, and stress-free activities to do; even do something nice for yourself. You could also try volunteering to help out the less fortunate and put things in perspective. Make a list of everything you need to do, including shopping, and assign yourself days to accomplish these goals.

Reassure Your Children

Divorce is hard on everyone involved, but your time, attention, and emotional presence helps your children go through this new journey. While you may maintain some old traditions, it’s beneficial to establish new ones. Reignite their spark for the holidays by getting into the spirit. This is the time for giving, forgiving, and new beginnings.

New Year, New Chapter

A new year is just around the corner, along with a fresh start. How you decide to cope during the holidays will have a tremendous impact on how you handle a new year. Proving to yourself that you have the ability to be strong and happy during tough times is the best gift of all.

If you’re going through a divorce during the holidays, let a skilled family law attorney offer you a proper guidance. Call The Virga Law Firm, P.A. in Panama City!

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